Today I was called to work to attend the needs of the Students at the school as well as to support the staff. During my day I worked with two students who are facing a major change in their lives. In my efforts to help them bridge the gap between their desires for immediate gratification in life and their ability to understand where true gratification comes from, I realized that I was experiencing the joy or peace that comes from "being in the moment" rather then focusing on where you are not -- where you might wish to be. SO I feel a sense of satisfaction. I also spoke or had e-mail communications with several parents and staff - all of whom expressed their support and their prayers for a good outcome for the students and their families in crisis, the staff and the school relating to its growing pains and the parents of the students actually in crisis. I was brought back to something I hadn't felt in a long time - We are not alone! the 12-step fellowships are like a Family - a community that sticks together and helps its members in thick and thin. I am grateful to be part of this recovery network.