Thursday, January 15, 2009

Blogging - "KISS"

I started writing a post on another's blog and started getting "Long Winded" - that is not uncommon for me - however, I type slow so it surprised me that my "Talkativeness" would so quickly find its ways to and through my Fingers. On more area for Growth I guess.

In any case - I was commenting on the book by Eckhart Tolle - “The Power of Now”) in 's book selection and stopped mid thought - here is the comment and the remaining thought:

I enjoyed and personally got a lot out of "The Power of Now" - I recommend it to anyone looking for the tools to maintain or increase Peace and Serenity in their life – especially in such turbulent times. It drew me back to an expression often heard in 12 Step Self Help circles – “Move the body and the mind will follow”. This is leading to Blog Post so back to my Blog I go – Have a great Day. While the saying may have originally been applied to recovering alcoholics in the early stages of drying out and recovery, it very much applies to all forms of anxiety and emotional problems. Eckhart Tolle (Author of “The Power of Now”) expresses the idea that sometimes we can not fix the problem. That by focusing on it we become part of it. I am not justice here – but the idea again goes – for me – to a 12 step idea of “Do the next Right thing and turn the results over to God”


  1. Why does't your wife follow your blog Mr. Super Appeaser?

    Dr. Gold

  2. Because she didn't know it exists! Hey, if we were dysfunctional because we talked via email - what does following each other blogs make us?
