Monday, May 18, 2009
Blogger to Wordpress
Please visit me at
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Young Men, Car Engines and Tolerance

After listening to their complaints about each other, I redirected the conversation by asking them questions about car engines.
Each one began sharing their knowledge of how cars worked and when they got to the discussions about engine oil and coolant, I shifted gears, if you will, and began to connect their understanding of the value and purpose of engine oil in the car engine with value and importance of having and developing the skill or virtue of tolerance.
Tolerance is that single element or skill essential to finding peace when living in close quarter with other people. This analogy seemed effective in getting them to see a way beyond having to ‘Win” the power struggle and to focus on an outcome that was sustainable.
Engine oil (Tolerance) is an essential element for neutralizing and minimizing the heat build-up from personality friction when working together in any kind of a group or community. And with young men and women in particular, if it can be seen as a tool, rather than “giving in”, they are more likely to adopt it. In any case, it worked for now with these young men so I thought I would share. –
Tolerance => Charity => Love
Monday, May 11, 2009
Philosophy - Mayonnaise Jar - Golf balls – Sand and ...

The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
Now, said the professor, as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things; your family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions; things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.'
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Victory for Hancock NY on the fight to stop NYRI

In my capacity at The Family Foundation School, through my involvement with The Hancock Partners, and finally because the 190 mile power line could have cost me my actual home, I am delighted.
Thank you to Senator John Bonacic, CARI, Stop NYRI and all of the political and community based grass roots organizations for persistently working in opposition to the NYRI project. Scores of NYRI opponents who fought the project to protect the Delaware River in Delaware & Sullivan Counties through the Village of Otisville and on to the Town of Windsor in Orange County are cheering. Through their efforts and the active role of our political representatives such as State Senator John Bonacic, who sponsored legislation prohibiting the use of eminent domain, we have a Victory! Well Done! There are links with some details of this on my Hancock New York blog
Sunday, March 29, 2009
FICO - Credits score
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Social Media -- Sharing Experience Strength and Hope.
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Scary? Exciting? Depends on the attitude. What I am grateful for in all this is that I am not alone. There are others in my life who welcome me and I welcome them. We share with each other our individual journeys lending experience, strength and hope. There are no magic answers to life's challenges but there is strength in numbers.
Today I plan for a rest from the rapids of my life by taking the day off, spending time with my wife looking at Chicken Coops and farm stuff and sharing in her focus on life - "Backyard Living" - ). But lets see how the winds blow?
Happy Valentine's day!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
I am not alone


There are many reasons that I have seen and heard about why people blog. I have always felt an inclination that I would like to have a connection with the world beyond my immediate family. I am not social phobic. Sometimes I'm emotionally lazy but definitely, I am energized when having conversations with other people. So on a scale of introvert versus extrovert I'm definitely more toward the extrovert. However, I think that blogging helps to equalize people from both ends of that spectrum. It allows introverted people less of a hurdle to overcome in engaging with others and possibly is a bit more of a hurdle or at least less interactive for the extrovert who (if you're like me) enjoys the face time. Nevertheless, I like to have my thoughts and thinking stimulated -- I like to learn and to hear what others have to say about subjects.
Life is busy, and it takes effort to balance personal interests and needs with personal responsibilities. There are always things that I feel I ought to be doing or could be doing in the realm of my responsibilities -- however I believe as a fundamental rule - that if I do not take care of myself in a way that might rejuvenate me I will not be able to meet those responsibilities effectively. So I am still experimenting. I need to see if blogging will work for me as an effective way of social networking -- will blogging satisfy my need to have a sense of community and fellowship?
More to come.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Good Times - some not so good times
Roll with the Punches!
My mother once told me that the third step of Alcoholics Anonymous could be simplified to mean "Roll with the Punches". This morning we woke up to an unexpected blizzard -- forecast was for a few inches spread out throughout the day. However, the snow started in the middle of the night and continued through early morning. We received already well over a foot. As a result my plans for the day were seriously interrupted. But not to worry -- I just need to "roll with the punches". For the sake of continuity in blogs and postings -- this is similar to the message I found in "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle? Acceptance of what IS NOW is the beginning of finding peace NOW.
In any case -- I'm going to try and include a few pictures of my day so far. I will up-load them to Flikr as well - if anyone knows if there is a way to link a pst to a Flikr Pic - let me know. My Flikr member name is also "Mikea44646"
Passing it on
Star Trek Blogging: The Klingon Way
... Mere life is not a victory, mere death is not a defeat.
To a Klingon, it isn’t enough to merely live. One must also live well. This
means fighting great battles, going on great hunts, serving the Empire well,
and finally dying a glorious death knowing that you have passionately
pursued the things you want most.
Then too, it isn’t enough to merely blog. One must also blog well. This
means writing great articles, posting great comments, supporting your
blogger friends, and when the time is right, retiring your blog honorably
knowing that you pursued blogging passionately.
Qapla’! ( Success!)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Taking Action
I certainly don't mean that I want to end all and cease to exist. So what do I mean when I make such a comment? By life, I mean the journey, not the biology of life. What I am really trying to say is that I'm experiencing a serious level of unmanageability and uncomfortability along the road.
Fortunately, when I get like this, I am blessed with a strong fellowship of friends and family who remind me that there is a better way. For me, that better way can be found by refocusing my life so that it follows the road defined by the specific principles that I believe in and that breed serenity and peace rather than anxiety and frustration. The topic of why I subscribe to the specific life principles that I do is for another time. But for this post there are certain Ideals that I believe to be "Right and True" and serve me like a compass or like the North Star for Ancient Sailors. One of those Ideals is action and as I stated in another post, sometimes the answer is to "Move the Body and the Mind will Follow" (a slogan found in the 12 step, self help programs).Recently, in a similar scenario to the unmanageability above, I "woke up". I reached a bottom and decided to take action to Live. But How? Where to start?
Well in part that is what I think Blogging is about - for us to share with each others and to grow. To gain clarity along the way. So please comment. At present this Blog is part of the action I am taking to live. In addition to sharing with others, it is also an exercise in mind. We live in three ways, Mind, Body, and Soul so Blogging for me is an action to expand my mind.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Progress Not Perfection
Well I sat down a little while ago (over an hour actually) see if there were any comments to my blog postings -- and there were! Very exciting! I then attached a few of my friends blogs to my Google reader but have difficulty getting one of them. One of them which did work is the blog site for associates of mine --
I am not sure what I can contribute to that site but I am excited by its premise -- a group conscience forum of sharing our "Experience, Strength, and Hope" -
Blogging - "KISS"
In any case - I was commenting on the book by Eckhart Tolle - “The Power of Now”) in 's book selection and stopped mid thought - here is the comment and the remaining thought:
I enjoyed and personally got a lot out of "The Power of Now" - I recommend it to anyone looking for the tools to maintain or increase Peace and Serenity in their life – especially in such turbulent times. It drew me back to an expression often heard in 12 Step Self Help circles – “Move the body and the mind will follow”. This is leading to Blog Post so back to my Blog I go – Have a great Day. While the saying may have originally been applied to recovering alcoholics in the early stages of drying out and recovery, it very much applies to all forms of anxiety and emotional problems. Eckhart Tolle (Author of “The Power of Now”) expresses the idea that sometimes we can not fix the problem. That by focusing on it we become part of it. I am not justice here – but the idea again goes – for me – to a 12 step idea of “Do the next Right thing and turn the results over to God”
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Day one - End of the Day
However, First Things First - I need to stop now so I can get up in the morning and go to work. Until next Time - LL&P (Live Long and Prosper)
Day one - One Day at a Time
In any case there is enough to start the process - "Progress not perfection"